Saving patches and sounds in SEQ mode

  • Hey, I was just wondering if I can save the sounds I create when in SEQ mode. I want to be able to save the sounds on the hardware itself and not just with my ableton live project. If possible, how do I save the sounds without overwriting any of the presets?
    Thanks a bunch

  • Umm are you in virus control, or using SEQ mode with midi?

    Virus control - drag the preset from one of the 16 (if not a snow) parts on the left onto a library in the main screen

    SEQ mode - press store, follow menus...

  • Hey, it is when I am using Virus control but the screen always defaults to seq mode when Ableton is open, so I guess I am using virus control while in seq mode. If I was to store one of the sounds from a preset I edited, how would I know that I am not overwriting a preset and I am just saving a new patch? Thanks for your help.

  • It isnt actually in SEQ mode when VC (virus control) is open - it looks like it, but it aint. (not unless you have serious problems)

    When using VC you really should use the VC interface to manage presets (its just drag and drop, too)