Protools automation problem VIDEO!

  • Here is a link to a screen capture I took of my pro tools automation issue.

    Here is the problem. I set a parameter in the plug in to automate (in this case cutoff on filter 1 on channel 1). I write enable the track and I twiddle the knob. The first time in a session it WILL write this automation. Lets say I dont like it so I want to write over it. I write enable the track again and twiddle the knob. This time however it will only record the STARTING position, and nothing else. When you push stop it will record the end position, so you get a very gentle slope. If you delete the points or the automation entirely and try to write again it will do this. In the video all three times I was just randomly turning the knob on the TI.

  • After several tests, I found this :

    - if I start to turn the Virus Control knob with my mouse, it ALWAYS write automation.
    A soon as I turn the Virus TI knob, it will write the FIRST PASS. Second pass and others will not record anymore. After that, trying to write automation with mouse fail too.

    - if I start to record automation turning the virus ti knob, it always write the first pass. Second pass and others will not record anymore. After that, trying to write automation with mouse fail too.

    So, writing automation WORKS WHEN YOU USE THE MOUSE.
    The thing that cause the problem is USING VIRUS TI KNOBS to write automation (of course, that's we want to do).

    Hope this help you Access to find the problem.
