Unusual problem in Multi Patches...

  • I have had this problem with my Virus TI 2 (keyboard version) for a few weeks and I am completely perplexed...

    I have saved 16 multi patches which all work fine. For some reason the other remaining unused patch spaces can't be saved into. If I try to store multi patch 1 to any of the multi patches from 17-127 the menu goes to the [store] screen and that's all. It won't actually store anything.

    The other thing with multi patches 17-127 is that they have (somehow) saved a voice to each of the 16 parts. So, Part one is patch Ram-A 0, Part two is patch Ram-A 1, Part three is patch Ram-A 2 etc. for all 16 patches. This is the same for all of the multi patches from 17-127. Also, all parts were automatically enabled on each multi.

    One day I just turned my virus on and this is how it looked.

    Can anyone give me some advice?
    I've made sure that storing is enabled for both single and multi parts.
    I've updated to the latest OS each time is has become available.
    I've trying restarting the virus on numerous occasions as per the instructions from the faq section of the access site.

