soft knobs

  • they say u can assign soft knobs in the edit mode....Edit Mode where in the heck can that be found. I thought the manual was bad but forum means information in Latin and we as virus owners arent being informed too well. I kinow every one had to do the same fly by the seat and experience the keyboard for hrs on in but this is crazy, if a person knows what needs to be done, then they ought to share the info not sit on it and laugh and say well I had to experience it so dont you?? If that is the case what good is this forum. I hope Access is monitoring this forum because they need a lesson on customer support. Their manual is poorly written ( worse then Kurzweil), no glossery of terms, explanations of items on the Virus but keep the secret of how to do.....this or that. This is rediculious. I have a KC which I got for a good price but it will be a cold day before I spend 2999.99 on a TI until they impove customer support and write a manul that tells you what and how to procede with certain functions.

  • :| Hmmm, I feel their 'Customer Support' is very good. And they've got a bunch of really good videos on the site, teaching you how to use it (atleast for the TI). The rest depends on how fast you can learn. :whistling:

  • your right everything's about the TI. Thanks Marc We'll give it a try. This crap is harder then my physics class in college.

    Also, on another note what is storing to Flash and where is it. Is it a physical drive or is it volatile memory on chips and how can I

    retreive anything that I store there? :cursing:

  • Storing to flash is burning banks of your favourite patches into the ROM memory. ROM is non volatile, and you notice you can access it the exact same way you access the RAM. You can write on it only through Virus Control Center (Virus TI)

    For a Virus C you would want to read your manual more accurately