Using Virus Polar to make program changes on External Synth using the Polars 'Value' buttons....possible?

  • Can't figure out if this is possible. Remote mode only seems to let me configure the knobs....I'm trying to make my Virus change programs synchronously with my old AN1X. I'm using the AN1X step sequencer with the Virus for live gigs and i'm trying to set it up so that when I change a program on the Virus the AN1X will also change programs....i.e. say I change from RAM-A 0 to RAM-A 1 on the Virus, I want the AN1X to change from 000 to 001. At the moment it works back to front, I can change a preset on the AN1X and the Virus will change too.....but not the other way around.....which is what I want.
    Is it possible to do this?

