Beiträge von DecadeCounter

    I know this is an old post, but were you ever able to update to OS 6.6b? I am having the same problem. To further complicate matters, I use SONAR X1 and for some reason Cakewalk decide to omit their DAW from outputting standard .mid files used as SYSEX dumps.

    As for your first concern with the "RECV. LAST BANK...15" stalling issue, I was able to fix that ONLY by using the OS Chunks files. I think it has to do with a timing issue between the sending program and the Virus C. If one could change the tempo of MIDI-OX's playback rate, then it would probably work. However, one cannot do such a thing.

    Up to this point, I have been using MIDI-OX for these .mid files for updating OS for my various synths. Seems to have worked fine until OS 6.6b. I now get the same error as you.

    Like you said...a "titanic" waste of time right now...