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    And now, more OOOH*

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    This is the same "problem" I have with it. Once you get more vowel filter effect it starts to sound drowned out. Tipper is able to make it sound super vowel filtered but also crispy and thick and not muddy.

    Now for the hard part: How to get the verse lead sound. Every note is a different vowel, like there's keytracking involved. There's way more to the sound though. Obviously some kind of filter envelope but the sound almost splatters and squelches.

    Here's a bank with a couple of patches. First is with the concept by Lioio pulse wave with vowel filter. Second is only Grain Complex oscillator. Third is Grain Complex with vowel filter.

    I guess it takes some deeper understanding of how all the elements interact to achieve the Tipper level of sound design.

    Hey thanks that is really awesome of you. I will play around with these later, looking forward to it!

    That's not bad, and pretty close. He is modulating the vowel more but you're definitely on the right track with this.

    My problem with the vowel filter is it always seems to muddy up the sound too much. It's hard to get it to still have that grindy gritty texture when using the vowel filter but without the vowel filter you can't get the real vocal formant sound. There's some magical balance to getting it to sound as good as he can.

    Wild is nice and easily achievable with such a marvelous synth like the Virus, but getting that real phat vocalish sound out of it is not something I've been able to do yet. Or with any other synth for that matter. He's got his secret sauce down to a science.

    Here's a good example of what I'm talking about:

    Tiny Face, by Tipper
    from the album Wobble Factor

    It sounds like a saw oscillator with some kind of formant filter.

    Tipper is known for using a Virus TI in his production arsenal and I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried creating any patches similar to the types of sounds he can make. I'm particularly interested in the throaty vocal formant style stuff he makes where he makes it sound like the synth is almost talking.

    I've made some pretty cool sounding stuff using a single hypersaw, no other oscillator, combined with the vowel filter, but it doesn't compare to how phat and in your face he makes it sound.

    I want to make a simple arp patch that pans to the left and right every time there is a new note. How is this done with the TI/TI2?

    Edit, figured it out. For a 1/16 arp a sawtooth LFO with 1/4 timing can be used with contour all the way to the right to control panorama assigned and turned all the way to the right.

    Can you post a link for that, please?:)

    Click on the ? at the bottom right corner of the TI plugin and click on "What's new..."

    It's not very detailed at all. At least not the kind of in depth explanation that I wish I could find.

    And obviously some people out there understand it, I mean Kemper engineered it, and Adam Szabo has implemented them into Viper, although I've never used it personally.

    The more I play with the virus the more I find things about it I cant figure out. For example, theres this patch called "Luv (at) PX" which for me is on eROM-L #65.

    The oscillator balance is set all the way to 1. There is no OSC Balance modulation that I can see happening anywhere. Yet I can hear the F-shift of oscillator 2.

    What is going on here? How am I able to hear The F-shift of OSC2 if the OSC balance is 100% set to OSC1?

    I've been going in circles for days. I've re-downloaded The "Vuris TI Installer" several times now. All it seems to contain is a number of acrobat files and one single app, the "Virus Control Center" which appears to be a bare-bones recovery utility. I don't see anything resembling an actual hardware editor in here.

    It should ask you what VST types you want to install and what folders you want to install them to during installation

    I read the manuals that came with the TI software so Im not sure if that was in there or not. I think they briefly glossed over the grain/formant stuff.

    I've played with them a lot and know how they sound but I just dont really understand whats going on under the hood so thanks for the videos I will definitely watch them

    I want a comprehensive explanation about what exactly F-shift and F-spread is. Does anyone have a link or video? I have read the user manual and found it to be lacking in depth.