Virus ti2 desktop and MPC one and the play/start button

  • OK, So I've got the sound I want on the Virus, I've got my project loaded up on the MPC one. I'm ready to go and press play/start on the MPC one. Thinking I have the sound setup I press the keys and what do I get? I get the first patch from ROM A. So every time I press play/start on the MPC one my virus goes to this patch every time. How can I stop it doing this?

  • Tell the MPC to not send program changes. AFAIR it’s related to the Program loaded for a track.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+