Decoding single dump SysEx

  • I've been trying to 'decode' a single preset dump, and for that, I'm using the provided sysex implementation for the Ti line that Access offers. The first part indicates how to locate the beginning of the SysEx message with the manufacturer ID and even the type of dump being performed. The dump is correctly executed, and I receive the correct amount of bytes and everything in Hex format. However, when trying to associate the values of the rest of the dump to the indicated parameters provided by Access, I do find some irregularities and 'misalignments' when it comes to what should be empty value fields and some values that come in specific patterns that should go, for example to the arpeggiator that is displaced by some values.
    also attaching an image where it can be seen one of the many discrepancies
    Has anyone gone through the same issues?

    Virus Sysex google docs