Help with virus settings

  • I was using my friends virus ti 2 desktop last week and i've noticed that i couldn't save the output preferences...everytime i reopen the logic 9 project, the surround output automaticaly changes back to output 1 and 2 (same as the default output), causing delay and i want to know if theres a way to save the output i dont have to change the surround output to off everytime i open the virus control.

    Was using virus ti 2 desktop with os4, in a macbook pro with logic 9 pro
    Thx in advance


  • Hi i really want to know how to save the output preferences in the virus ti2 desktop, because everytime i open the virus control it changes it, and causes latency...
    I couldnt find it on the user manual, and its very annoying because i open a new project on logic, and i have everytime to go in the virus control and changes the surround output to off...(it automaticaly changes back to output 1 and 2, thats the same as the main out, and it causes giant latency)...So i want to know how to save the surround output preferences to off so i dont have to change it everytime i open a new project on logic.

    Please im asking u i just want to know that before i buy my own virus

    Thx in advance