Virus Control Center 4.05.01 Crashes on Macbook Pro

  • When I open Virus Control Center in my MacBook Pro I am able to successfully connect to my Virus Ti. I switch to the Burn to Flash Rom tab and click 1. Select Source Bank and Control Center crashes every single time.

    I have tried reinstalling control center. I have tried installing older versions. For whatever reason the symptom is the same. Clicking to select a source bank causes Control Center to crash. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I should note that I am on OSX 10.6.4 running 2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB of memory.

  • When I open Virus Control Center in my MacBook Pro I am able to successfully connect to my Virus Ti. I switch to the Burn to Flash Rom tab and click 1. Select Source Bank and Control Center crashes every single time.

    I have tried reinstalling control center. I have tried installing older versions. For whatever reason the symptom is the same. Clicking to select a source bank causes Control Center to crash. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I should note that I am on OSX 10.6.4 running 2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB of memory.

    What bank are you trying to burn? For me the Kamui soundset did that all the time. I was able to burn it on OS 3.3.x but then it stopped working properly and I had to overwrite it. My solution was loading it up in Virus Control, set up the patches properly so that they didn't crash the Virus or the VC any more and load them in RAM. I've not tried to load them again in the ROM memory but I will, when I have smoothed the sounds up to my needs.

  • When I open Virus Control Center in my MacBook Pro I am able to successfully connect to my Virus Ti. I switch to the Burn to Flash Rom tab and click 1. Select Source Bank and Control Center crashes every single time.

    I have tried reinstalling control center. I have tried installing older versions. For whatever reason the symptom is the same. Clicking to select a source bank causes Control Center to crash. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I should note that I am on OSX 10.6.4 running 2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB of memory.

    can you please contact access support? in order to take a look at the situation we need a crashlog and if possible the bank you're attempting to burn. support can explain to you how you send a crashlog, if necessary.

    thanks, marc

  • make sure you have named your virus... (DEVICE NAME field in VCC should not be blank) if not, the VCC crashes every single time you try to select a tab. To set a device name select an appropriate function in ADVANCED menu of the VCC before attempting to select any other tabs.

  • That was it man! The Name not being present caused it to crash. Adding the name fixed the issue. Thanks so much!! :)