Virus Snow and Sonar 8.5. - How many sounds can I play from the virus? 3x4 or more?

  • Hello

    I have a Virus Snow (TI) and Sonar Producer 8.5. Unfortunately there are not much info about these two units working together. Anyway, I don't actually have a problem, more of a question...

    Please see attached screendump.

    As u can see there are three units of the Snow. Accordingly to Access, this is the way to setup the Snow with both Sonar and Live. Now I wonder... Each audiotrack could in my opinion only play 4 different sounds, i.e, 12 in total. Or do I understand this wrong? The problem is that you can't insert another unit of the Virus in Sonar. Or?? I am a bit confused regarding this, so I would really appreciate some help here.

    Please, can anyone clarify this for me?

  • Hey

    Yes I know that the Snow is 4-part multitimbrale only.

    What I meant is that with the setup recommended by Access Music for Sonar I would be able to layer the Virus. I create 3 different audiotracs, then able to use 4 miditracks, in every auditrack, one for each part in the Virus (1-4) with 3 different outputs (USB 1, 2, 3). As discussed here (Look into what [email protected]) I understand the 4 part function. However, if layering the sounds, are there actually not up to 12 sounds playing? Or is that only midi.

    What if I want to use several Virus in USB mode? It doesn't seem like I can insert more than one as VST of the Virus?

  • You'd better give a shot at the manual :)
    4 part multitimbral = 4 different timbres at once. Not per track, 4 timbres as a whole.

    Ok, better do that I guess - again. As you probably understand I am not too experienced in this.;).. I did not really find what I was looking for

    Anyway, to sum it up...

    - Is it possible to insert more than one Virus in the DAW? If yes, how?

    - What are the reason of inserting three different audiotracks (one per output of Virus). This is used with Virus TI tutorial song (16 timbrale)

    - If I understand this right - am only able to play four different miditracks? I can't use virus sounds on 16 different miditracks I wanted to?

    Please forgive my lack of knowledge, I am learning everyday...

  • - It is possible by owning another Virus ;) 1 Snow will only give you 4 parts. One plugin for each Virus, 4 midi tracks for the snow plugin.

    - The reason is that you can process them separately with external effects and mix them separately. By using all of the 4 stereo outputs on your Snow you can process every sound within its own mixer channel

    - You understood right; the Snow will only give you 4 MIDI parts at once, and up to 4 different stereo audio tracks - a TI Desktop, Polar, KTI would give you up to 16 parts at once (not easily achievable) and up to 6/7 different stereo channels (3 usb, 3 analogue, 1 spdif)