Cubase 5 doesn't record any knob movement of my TI Snow!?

  • I have no clue since when this problem occurred for the first time, but somehow I can't record any knob movement within Cubase.
    I can see the automation line of the filter in Cubase moving up and down as I manually dial this button on my Virus, but for some reason Cubase just won't capture the data.
    As well I can't control any other Vst instrument with midi learn thru my Snow.
    I've looked into Cubase midi settings in preferences and changed a few things around, but no luck so far.
    Anyone got a clue what settings in Cubase/Snow I have to set correct to get it working again?

  • I have no clue since when this problem occurred for the first time, but somehow I can't record any knob movement within Cubase.
    I can see the automation line of the filter in Cubase moving up and down as I manually dial this button on my Virus, but for some reason Cubase just won't capture the data.
    As well I can't control any other Vst instrument with midi learn thru my Snow.
    I've looked into Cubase midi settings in preferences and changed a few things around, but no luck so far.
    Anyone got a clue what settings in Cubase/Snow I have to set correct to get it working again?

    Hmmm weird, seems I have solved the midi recording part :)
    Although still I can't get midi learn to work on other Vst instruments.

  • Already had the R/W buttons lid up, but that didn't make a difference.
    Even without selecting the R/W buttons I can automate for example, all of Audiorealism Bassline's parameters, with my Nord Rack's buttons.
    And I do know about adding parameters to automate, but that wasn't the issue.
    What else could it be?

  • Now I see the problem.
    Just found out I can control all parameters of Audiorealism Bassline with my Snow, as long as I haven't loaded up VC in Cubase yet.
    As soon as I load VC, I can't control any other but the parameters of the Snow within VC.

  • When the snow is in Sequencer mode (via VC plugin), it will receive midi but not send it, and there is no remote mode for the snow.

    So basically you can't use it as a controller if you're using it with the plugin.