Arpeggiator time sync

  • Hi,
    I have been using the Virus ti2 with ableton 8 for a year or so now and really love it but I am having timing sync issues for the first time with an arpeggiator line in a current track i am working on.I have the arpeggiator coming during a break and it just seems to lose time and when claps, percussion etc come back in it is completely out of sync.The only way I can seem to get it to keep time is to keep the kick drum running through the previously drum free break.Any advice please?



  • it's all about the ableton setting :

    (Mac OS) Audio settings > Buffer Size needs to be either 64 (Mac only), 128, 256
    or 512. Odd values will result in problems. We recommend 128 samples.
    ‣ (Windows) Audio settings > ASIO Panel > Buffer size must be one of the
    following: 128 (“rapid”), 128+safety buffer (“fast”), 256 (“normal”) or 512 (“relaxed
    normal”). We recommend 128 samples for modern PCs
    ‣ (Windows) ASIO Panel > Application priority should be set to “High”.
    ‣ Options > Delay Compensation needs to be enabled.
    ‣ Preferences > CPU > Buffer Size needs to be set to"As Audio Buffer

  • Isn't this a known issue? The Drunken Arp Syndrome? :huh:

    I've had this for a long time now. Don't think I've ever seen a fix for this. I just hit Play/Stop in Live a number of times until it plays correctly. :pinch:

    I really hope these small issues are fixed in the coming update.

  • bonehead,

    it will not go away unless you fix your system. i must have said this dozens of times now. the "drunken arp" essentially is an USB/data transmission problem. the information does not arrive in time or at all. based on wrong information the virus assumes that the timing has changed and tries to adopt the new timing. this is why you hear things changing.
    and all those tricks such as ARP EDIT reset the virus are all just doing one thing: disconnecting USB, reconnecting USB, reload the driver, initialising other things on your mac/pc. this can help temporarily but will not solve the problem at all. play/stop you don't have to hit a number of times. just stop and wait for two seconds. once you see a little "SE" in the virus display, the system has been re-calibrated. this frequent re-calibration is only necessary when something is not setup right. usually it is a problem which, again, is USB communication based.

    read the setup guide. it contains loads of valuable info on all that.

    hope that clears things up a little, marc

  • Optimus Markus, I remember you mentioning this and have given it a shot.

    Both the Viruses are the only devices connected on serparate USB buses on the Mac Pro.

    I did try the powered hub option, but the Virus didn't start up at all with that, so I gave up. :(

    I'll give this another shot.

    What Setup Guide is this? Don't think I've managed to find it within the Documentation yet.