Virus TI Snow/ few instrument tracks??

  • Hello.
    Just got virus ti snow. I'm not fully satisfied with it!!! ;(
    I love how it sounds, but is quitly or low.... Have I to put the compressors, etc on it?? Or I can do inside it?
    Can I use a few midi instrument tracks with one unit?? Because it's to expensive to use it just for one lead, pad whatever in the project?

  • The Virus TI Snow is our smallest Virus unit and it is restricted to 4 PARTs at the same time, so the maximum amount of sounds you can play with the unit is 4 different sounds. Only the bigger Virus units offer multi-timbrality of up to 16 sounds.

    In regards to the loudness of the unit: are you using it with the Virus TI Snow plugin inside a supported music program or are you using the unit like a normal hardware synthesizer stand-alone via Midi and audio cables?

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner