Virus TI Midi but no Sound..

  • Hi,

    Wonder if you could please help.. I have a Virus TI Desk top runing 41105 operating system. I'm runing a PC with Windows XP quad core with 4 gig of ram and Ableton Live 8.1. Everything has been working well, but the problem I have now is I can send and receive midi; I can see the audio signal in the Virus control pannel, but there is no sound playing. i have tried all of the out puts from the Virus, reset using the ARP edit button. Tried the latest operating system, but still no sound.

    Anyone had the same problem and can help?

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.

  • i assume that you get sound if you use the virus stand along (with a midi cable from your keyboard to the desktop). does the tutorial song work in live?

    Hi Marc, thanks for you reply. I have tried to use as a stand alone; and tried all out puts, but still no luck (not even in headphone jack). Demo song goes into Demo mode; but still no audio, again not even in headphones. Very strange..

  • [im having a similar sound...the virus ti looks fine....but no sound from anywhere...demo looks like its working but no sound at all....iv already done a hard reset but still nothing...only thing that im thinking after trying everything and also using a released os 4.5.3 is that there is a hard ware issue....still want an answer as i am unsure...did anyone get answers to this???

  • In such cases I would still recommend to do a very simple test:

    - disconnect the TI from any computer setup
    - connect your master keyboard through its Midi Out to the TIs Midi In port
    - make sure the TI is set into SINGLE MODE
    - now play on the master keyboard

    Is a Midi note shown on the TIs display and if so, is it a quarter note symbol? (a half note symbol would indicate Midi notes coming in on the wrong Midi channel)
    If so, do you still hear nothing in OUT 1 L+R or the headphones?

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner

  • Hi and thanks for the reply Jorg
    Still dont get any sound...its shows the quarter note when i press the key after conneeting it to the midi port in but ther eis still no sound....i have given it to a service engineer to see if it could be a hardware issue...what do you think

  • If this simple test still produces no sound and a quarter note is seen in the display (which indicates notes coming in at the correct Midi channel - the half note symbol would indicate the opposite), then this mist be a hardware issue.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner

  • I have this issue , everything is connected right , I’ve using the virus in TC mode , today I fancied standalone , but the dam key step keyboard ain’t making the virus respond - although I get the quarter note symbol , and it works when I Audition a sound which signifies no hardware issue from the virus ??

    Confused and annoyed ...

    Edit actually it’s a half note (the clef isn’t filled in , should it be to make quarter note ?) , it is midi in from the virus to midi out on the midi keyboard right ?

    Ok so it works in ‘multi mode’ but not single , despite I see symbol appearing for midi activity when I press .....

    All is good in multimode so why no signal in single mode ??

    Actually I can’t edit anything , just change presets that don’t change , no dial edits anything , I just hear the sound ..

    What the hell ?