Help with settings up my Virus TI

  • Hello! I'll explain it very simple. My daw is Fruity Loops. I connect my TI via usb in standard usb port and in fl I use virus usb asio driver. It lags and I have enormous syncproblems.

    Computer details:

    CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 820

    RAM: 6 gb, DDR2

    I only have the standard audio interface which came with the computer, and it doesnt support midi or anything linked to music producing.

    So what should I do?

    - Buy a good pci card with usb hubs just to maximize my virus ti:s need of bandwitdth?

    - Buy an external audio interface with midi & audioports and forget about the virus audio interface? (can someone explain how this works please)

    - Buy a new computer?

    Is it even possible to run virus ti only via usb without lag issues?

    Thanks for the help!! :rolleyes: