Automate pulse width?

  • Hey, i can't seem to automate the pulse width on an oscillator? Am i missing something? Everything else works fine, just this. I'm using Cubase 5, i usually just press write and can automate things just by moving them while playing. But i've looked through the parameters and can't find the pulse width.

  • i'm using the virus control vst3 plugin in cubase. i'm just trying to work out how to control it through cubase, so i can set the pulse width through automation exactly as i want.

  • Well, in that case, first you have to "declare" that you want that "button" automated for that part, meaning, right click the PWM bar and select "add ... to automation". Now, when you arm the Virus for recording, the PWM automation for the oscillator and the part you chose should be recorded. If for any reason, VC denies you that option, you can still send one of the 3 soft knobs to the PWM and automate the soft knobs.

  • In fact when using the VST3 version of the Virus TI plugin, the parameters to automate doesn't even have to be edited anymore.
    All parameters that can be automated then will be automatically listed in the "VST Instruments" -> "Virus TI" folder in the project window of Cubase. The corresponding track for all parameter automations will then contain all parameters for all 16 PARTs already.
    Editing the list of automation parameters is only necessary for the VST2 version.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner