Noise osc keeps turning itself on when using virus control!

  • I'm getting really frustrated when working with the virus. The noise osc just turns on all by itself. Like a lot of things there doesn't even appear to be a way to automate it through cubase - there's just no parameter there for it. So i'm lost as to why it keeps switching itself on.

    In my current project, the virus is set up as a single, not a multi. There is no automation on the virus channel, and the patch is a relatively simple lead. Now the noise osc just turns itself on while i'm playing the part, it appears to be a bug. Anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix? Or do i just have to add this to the long list of faults that don't seem to be getting noticed or acknowledged(in the thread "Please Give me some answers on this piece of junk" i have a lot of these problems too)

    Any help would be appreciated. I'm proficient with computers and am usually the one to help others with pc problems, so i don't think it is a problem with my system. Along with random notes being played, parts being dropped, sync issues and this osc turning itself on, all of the problems i'm having are to do with the virus. I don't have any problems running any soft synths, i'm all patched up to date with drivers, i don't see what else i can do.

  • Hello,
    Please take a look at the email I sent you earlier from support. Please test this with the TI not running connected to a computer and check if the noise parameter still changes on its own. If this is not the case, then the unit definitely must receive a Midi command causing the TI to change this parameter (and not necessarily an automation event from Cubase) - this could be caused by any kind of Midi device/Midi controller also connected to this setup. The Midi Controller number for the noise volume is CC#37.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner

  • Just to update this for anyone else, it was the midi cc's from my midi keyboard causing the problems. Worth checking if you're having problems.