Midi cc's help

  • Hi. I've recently had to remap my midi keyboard, as some of the sliders were mapped to midi cc's that the virus uses and it was causing ramdom problems. But now i've remapped it, it causes problems for some other vst's.

    I looked at a list of the virus ones, and found that there are only a few choices of cc's that are free. I don't really need to have any cc's when using the virus control, as i usually just assign knobs and sliders as i need them. I also use a lot of host automation. So is there a way to totally disable the midi cc controls on the virus?

    If not, is there an optimal way to set up my midi keyboard so that it retains compatibility with other vst's and the virus? I'm finding it hard to get my head round this, as it seems that every vst might be different. All i'm trying to do is to avoid accidental parameter changes, i don't really want any midi cc's at all as i can just use quick controls and automation. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • Thanks for the reply, yeah i've found the setting now. I've disabled the midi cc's i don't want to use, its working ok now. Cheers!