Totally random translation request

  • This has absolutely nothing to do with Access or the Virus or any related thing (well possibly some of the music was made with a Virus but that's not really important here)

    I have a cd in my collection by Robag Wruhme called Wuppdeckmischmampflow & the sleeve notes are in German but Google Translate is struggling to make sense of some of it, I'd really appreciate it if someone here would do me a tiny favour & try to translate it a bit better.

    The text says:


    The Sound of Taschenheizung entstand beiläufig, sozusagen zwischen Schwein füttern und Gurkengläser aufschrauben. Fernab vom allwöchentlichen Discotress fing Robag an, seine Lieblingsmusiken miteinander zu verweben. Es ist ein wunderbares, intimes Stück Musik geworden, das er mit uns teilen wollte. Elemente tauchen auf, verschwinden, kommen wieder um sich dann ganz zu verabschieden. Schwarze Löcher haben Hochkonjunktur…

    Wuppdeckmischmampflow ist der perfekte Beifahrer, Mitbewohner, Sportsfreund und Kummerkasten.

    Google reckons it says:


    The Sound of pocket heater was passing, so to speak, feed screw between pork and pickle jars. Far from the weekly disco Tress began Robag, his favorite music to weave together. It has become a wonderful, intimate piece of music that he wanted to share with us. Elements appear, disappear, then come back around to say goodbye completely. Black holes are booming ...

    Wuppdeckmischmampflow is the perfect passenger, roommate, friend and sports suggestion box.

    It's the first sentence that I think Google might have got confused by, the rest of it sort of makes sense until the black holes booming & the sports suggestion box.

    The cd is great by the way :)

  • Wow, is there no German speakers here? Either that or it really does say

    "The Sound of pocket heater was passing, so to speak, feed screw between pork and pickle jars."


    Marc / Jörg - do you not fancy having a little go at translating it?

  • Just a little tip about google translate, when it fails to translate whole paragraphs properly, try to feed it sentence by sentence, idiom by idiom. For example, "friend and sports" might become "sports fan". Take a peek at Robag's website and you will find similar vague descriptions, I like the one about equalizers and spacesuits the most. I think what Robag (real name Gabor, which proves he is doing this on purpose) is trying to say is that this release is influenced by the countryside (pickle jars and pig feed).

  • I did try a few different input methods when initially looking for the translation but that seemed to be the best attempt Google could do, at one point it was talking about cucumber glasses??

    I know he has a unique way of doing things but I thought that there might be a better translation to be had from somewhere.

    Not to worry, I guess I quite like the sound of pocket heaters :thumbup: