Programm Changes on Virus TI Snow to Change Multis via MIDI?

  • Hello!
    I plan to purchase a TI Snow as a companion for my elektron octatrack.
    I already read the quickstart-manual but couldn´t find an answer.
    Is it possible to change the Multis with programm change messages via Midi?
    I mean without using the SW. I´d like to change them directly from the OT and use 4 of the OT´s Midi Tracks to sequence the 4 Parts of the Snow, think you have to use the Snow´s Sequencer- or multi-Mode than?!?
    Thanks in advance!

  • I never tried it myself, but I heard that in multi mode, the multi selection responds to the patch selection command, with one exception that the MIDI cannel that is defined as the "master" channel of the multi changes its patch as well - so it may be that you might have to sacrifice one Virus part to work with multi.

    But you can also work in sequencer mode (press single+multi, both LEDs light up), no need to prepare a multi, just send the patch/bank command for each part on its MIDI channel separately. You will not get layers this way, but I guess you can probably duplicate MIDI sequences from one channel to another on the octatrack to get the same effect.

  • Flabberbob is right. There is a setting in Config menu that enables switching multis with Program Change messages. The patch on the Global MIDI channel will change too. Not sure how you overcome this on the Snow (I have the TI desktop) - maybe you can use e.g. channels 1-4 for the Multi and any other channel (5-16) as global. Alternatively, you can set any part in a multi to ignore program change messages.

    Hope this helps 8)

  • Thanks guys that helped indeed. :)
    Only thing I don´t understand is the changing Patch on the Global MIDI channel you mentioned or if that is actually a problem for me?

    Just to be clear this would be my plan of the OT(octatrack) sequencing the Snow:
    Let´s say in Multi-Mode with enabled switching Multis with Program Change messages in the Config Menu:

    OT´s Midi Track 1 sequencing Part 1 on Midi Ch 11 = Global Channel of the Snow
    OT´s Midi Track 2 sequencing Part 2 on Midi Ch 12
    OT´s Midi Track 3 sequencing Part 3 on Midi Ch 13
    OT´s Midi Track 4 sequencing Part 4 on Midi Ch 14

    so if I want to change the Multi for another Pattern from the OT it has to send a Program Change message only on the Global Channel (Ch 11)
    in order to change the Complete Multi with all 4 Parts and the same time, meaning Part 1 (Global Channel) would change the sound as saved to the according Multi?
    If it´s like that it would be nice. :)

    Or will it be like that?
    In order to change from one to another of the 64 Multis via Programm Change messages Part 1 of the Multi always has to be one of the first 64 Patches (from all the 1024 patches of the Snow),
    as the multi selection responds / corresponds to the patch selection (in Single Mode?) like flabberbob mentioned? :S

    Sure I´lll purchase it anyway as the size and weight of the Snow is just right for lugging around and doing live gigs.

  • Say you program the OT to send Program Change message for Multi #35. The multi will change, but the patch on Part 1 (which happens to be on the global channel) will react to this message as well, and switch to Patch #35. [Note: it's been a while since I tested it, but that's what I remember from my experiments. You're welcome to try it yourself] Since you don't want this, you have two options:
    set the global MIDI channel to one you don't use for playing (e.g. 16), or disable Program Change for multi part 1.