At times the Virus Snow distorts until I turn it off, but only via USB

  • Hey everyone,

    Sometimes whenever I use my Virus in Ableton or in a standalone VSTi host, it distorts like crazy. And not in a way that might mistakenly may have a dist FX on it, it really goes apeshit on the -INIT- patch.

    This only occurs on USB. Whenever I leave Ableton, and play via MIDI cables it all seems OK. It will only dissapear if I

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    turn it off and on again

    Any idea why this is?

    PS: Running Win7 x64 here.

  • I've experienced something similar with my snow, where after leaving it on for a long while *everything* starts to sound heavily clipped, and with a static-y tail after every note. I haven't had that happen in many months (I'm OS 4.5.3 currently)

    I find it's good practice to always reboot before doing a session with the Ti (over USB, that is). The Ti can be quite finicky and I like to keep it happy.

  • Yeah but it's unexpected behaviour right? Don't know whether a lot of people have this, but it seems like a bug that Access needs to fix. The bad thing is that it's hard te reproduce, so hard to debug.

    dantyrant > you're on Win7 as well?

  • sp33s: I'm working with OS X on a Mac Pro.

    It's clearly some kind of bug, but I've found it to be highly intermittent and it only really pops up after, for example, I leave my studio running for 12 hrs and come back. Which is to say, it's easy(for me) to work around this bug(but, again, this hasn't happened in a while)

    The USB sync bug is far more pernicious, IMO. It sucks trying to load up the Ti in the middle of a session and finding out you have to reboot.

  • It does sound like some fader went all the way up... maybe some control surface or something did just that?

    It's actually pretty hard to clip the Ti when using the USB outs. And, when the Ti behaves like this, it will distort playing every patch. So I don't think it's an errant fader that's responsible. As the OP said, even changing patches to an init patch(1 osc) will cause the virus to distort when this happens.

  • You are not crazy, Ive seen it more then a few times as well.
    Same situation, leave it on for like half a day come back and everything sounds polluted with crap. Ive spectrogrammed it and its real and its gross.
    Usually just going into sleep mode and back fixs it, if not unplug and back in and you are ok, you can even save a patch THROUGH the noise it wont pollute your patch.

  • I'm having this problem too. Just bought the virus a couple of days ago, and today I've had to restart two-three times. At one time the problem got away by just restarting ableton live, now that didn't help. I'm worried I got a faulty unit as I bought a demo-version from the store :cursing:
