'Turn Off Automation' Disabled + Sound Unavailable in Other Programs

  • I'm learning my new Virus TI and opened "Tutorial.FLP" which came with it (for FL Studio).

    The project works, but now I want to modify the 7 initial Virus instruments there, and I want to turn them off and add my own. But when in the Virus Plug-in I right-click on a "part" and want to clear it, the menu item "Remove From Automation Set" is disabled. Why is that? I want to clear as many used parts as I want in that example, and then add my own.

    Another question is this: When the Virus TI runs in my DAW, there is absolutely no sound in all other programs (for example if I play something in my browser [IE], or WinAmp, or YouTube, etc.). In fact, when I exit FL Studio, there is still no sound anywhere in any of my apps. My soundcard setting is "M-Audio Delta ASIO". What's going on here? I found that the only way to bring the sound back is to reboot the machine.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Thanks a lot Flabberbob :thumbup:

    Indeed, in the Control Panel I had to set as Default my regular Line-1/2. This way, both the Virus TI in FL and all other programs now have sound. I don't need to reboot anymore. :thumbup: :thumbup:

    I would really appreciate your input on the BPM topic just below this one -- I posted some more info and screenshots, unfortunately the Virus Tutorial Project still isn't syncing to the user-defined DAW BPM... I posted some additional notes/screenshots in that topic. Thanks again!!!