Is it worth it to update my Virus C from OS 6.5 to OS 6.6 public beta version?

  • Hello,

    I was just wondering if it's a good idea to update my Virus C from OS 6.5 to OS 6.6 public beta version.. I'm obviously wondering because it's a beta and i don't want to screw up the way it's working now. Does somebody have some feedback on this? I'm pretty sure that Access will not be releasing OS 6.6 after such a long time or is there any chance I hope somebody can help :)

    Thanks, Bram

  • If you run into Midi Clock Sync issues with the Virus c unit, then it is worth trying out this public beta. If you don't have any issues with this, then there's no need or use in going to OS 6.6.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner