downloading and saving soundbanks to the virus ti 2 desktop

  • I have a virus ti 2 desktop and I have just recently have got this to work in ableton. And it works well!!! I noticed that I can download more presets (soundbanks...midi files) for this. The way that I did it was download the file into my downloads and go into the zipped file and copy the file and paste it into the patches folder that is in the virus ti folder that is in the access music folder so that when I have it pulled up as a plug in I can just go into my libraries and the sound bank is there along side (my patches) and some of the other patches included like examples from the atomizer and other things. This seems to work but I don't know if this is the correct way or not. Is this the correct way??? :?: :whistling:

  • well thanks.. I thought this would probably be the best way since it works so well. Another question that I have is about the (my patches). That section holds about 128 or something....If I was to get really busy on creating my own sounds can I just copy that folder and rename it within the personal libraries folder and then just kick the sounds off it and then just add new sounds. (example... copy and then rename it my patches 2). I tried this and it seemed to work but still not sure if this is the correct way. And another question that I have is about the sound banks and where to get them. I noticed that I can go onto viruses website and download some of the soundbanks. The website has some free sound banks and some soundbanks where I can just get a few sounds as a teaser (demo) but it looks like I may need to go elsewhere for the actual sound bank. I'm not for sure where to go look for good sound banks. (even if they are for purchase). any suggestions? :thumbup:

  • Regarding new/empty user banks, click any save button and scroll down to the bottom of the first level of the patch/bank list, where you will find an option to create a new bank (I've complained once before that it should be the first option on that list just so that people know it is there).
    Regarding available patches, the dedicated users of this forum maintain this list.
    Happy hunting!