Trying to understand the oscillators section of access virus ti polar???

  • I am having difficulty grasping the oscillator section of access virus ti polar. When trying to edit the oscillators to get different sound waves such as triangle, square and noise waves. All I get the option of is spectral, saw (..%), pulse (..%) and I'm not really understanding this section is a saw 27% mean mostly spectral wave and a 27% of a saw and vice versa with the pulse (..%)?

  • is a saw 27% mean mostly spectral wave and a 27% of a saw and vice versa with the pulse (..%)?

    The shape knob will give you a mix of waveforms, as if you were using a mixture of 2 synched oscillators. On the far left (or counter clockwise) it will give you 100% spectral wave, then up to the middle position it will give you a mixture of that spectral wave with sawtooth (wave>saw x% means x% saw and (100-x)% spectral wave). From the middle position to the rightmost, it is a mixture of sawtooth and pulse (or square, again saw>pulse x% means x% pulse and (100-x)% sawtooth), the spetral wave is out of the picture at this point.
    While you are tweaking away on the left half of the shape knob, the wave select/PW knob lets you select which spectral wave you want to use, sine and triangle being the firs two. Noise is added using the bottom knob in the mixer section. Noise color can be controlled from the oscillator common menu (click the oscillator edit button twice), once noise volume is greater than 0.