Program change, bank change and channel select.

  • Hello All.

    I am using my Virus Ti2 Desktop in Ableton Live. I am using max4live to send program change messages to the Virus. I've got program changes to occur with by sending the message '193 x' where x is a number from 1 - 127. This changes channel 1, regardless of which channel is selected for editing. Can anyone help me with:

    a) Changing the bank that the program is selected from.
    b) Changing which channel you change the program for.

    I would love to be able to simply change the multi but sadly you cannot run in multi mode with the Virus Control being open.

    Thank you.

  • It really depends on how you use MAX4Live in the context of your project. It could be that it would be enough to look for the destination selection box of the MAX device track, in the vertical (session?) view - just under it you can refine the selection and let the data be sent on a specific MIDI channel so that you can have up to 16 devices on 16 different tracks each sending to a different MIDI channel to which VC can respond.
    If you want to create one device that can control all the channels at once, you might find this reading useful.

  • Bob, you're a genius.

    I was sending the program change messages from the main channel that holds the VC, thinking that changing the midi channel would send through to different channels. In fact, placing a copy of the program change patch in each of the 16 channels that collect midi notes from the main patch and send to the individual channels works exactly. I'm pretty hot with Max so I knew there wasn't a problem there, it's good to have a fresh mind on the matter!

    Now all I need to do is work out how to change banks without going into it with the VC / manually. Doesn't matter too much for now as my upcoming gig isn't too long so I think a bank will do!

    Thanks again.