Virus ti2 _Multiple Automation channels in Ableton live

  • Im having an issue... I currently have on the Virus control
    Ch1 USB1
    Ch2 Output 1 l/r
    ch3 Output 2 l/r

    In Ableton (8) i have a midi track that sends to an audio track where i drop live effects in.

    However every time I try to record automation on Ch2 in live it records it over ch1. I feel like im missing something obvious but im missing it nonetheless...

    when i record automation (im doing it in session mode "live" fiddling knobs as i record) it ONLY seems to record the movements in the USB ch1.

    And i can't do it by hand cause while channel 1 strip in ableton shows the VIRUS as midi control source, on Midi Channel #2 i dont see any virus options. I m thinking if i go and pull the midi CC lis of the virus i could do it via Midi CC... The right click "Add to automation lane" on different channels is what i want though.

    here is a screenshot of my routing

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • First of all I recommend checking this tutorial to see what is the official way of working with Live and the Virus. Now, while MIDI CC automation belongs to the MIDI track it runs through, plugin parameter automation belongs to the plugin track. Since Multi-timbral MIDI runs from separate tracks via DAW routing, it seems detached from the plugin automation. On the other hand, you can see that the same plugin parameter for different parts is a different automation line, so my suggestion is to color-code the automation graph(s) to have the same color as the MIDI track corresponding to the same part, for better visibility.
    Hope this helps.