Access Virus TI2 Set Up with Win 7 Pro

  • Hello, I've recently shifted from Mac to win 7. I'm trying miserably to re-setup my Virus TI2 with S1 Pro.

    I don't really have an in depth understanding of Windows to troubleshoot it adequately and I need some kind soul to walk me through it.

    If you could spare the time I'd really appreciate your help.

    So far everything on Windows 7 and Studio One Pro works as expected. My Apollo interface is working properly. My UAD quad card works fully.

    I can get my virus to make sounds if I draw them into S1, I just cant get S1 to hear the midi notes from the Virus.

    So have I got my Virus set up wrong, in local mode or is there a hidden Windows midi function I don't know about?

    Any guidance would be appreciated :)

  • I understand Studio One isn't officially qualified, however I have successfully been using them together for an age. I know others use it on Windows.

  • Hi Flabberbob, I failed to say I was connecting via the USB lead using the TI VST plug in. Sorry about that.

    Do you think there is something in the virus I haven't set up? Something obvious because it seems to function fine, only the sending of midi notes from the keyboard doesn't seem to be making it into S1?

  • Its worth pointing out that the virus soft knobs communicate with the vst plug fine, I can alter parameters. Its just the keyboard isn't working.

  • Thanks for responding again.

    I have it set up to receive midi via the synth. It is all wired up over usb. The Virus control just doesnt receive it.

    I was wondering if there is a possiblity to set midi note velocity to zero so no matter how hard I touch the keys nothing is being sent. But I cant find anything like that.


  • Hi, yes to your questions. I did all of those.

    I cannot fathom why all the knobs communicated with Virus Control but the keyboard didn't.

    Ive had to pack it away to use an alternative.