Trying to use Virus TI2 as effects processor via midi

  • Hello all,
    I've recently made the dive and purchased a beautiful desktop ti2, and understand its functionality for the most part. There is, however, one thing I am currently stumped on. I enjoy 'resampling' audio quite a bit and was wondering how one would go about sending audio to the virus via usb. Typically and in the past when I've done this similarly with VST's there always seemed to be a "FX" version of the VST. With the virus control, it appears to only have 1 vst for this purpose.

    I've attempted sending audio to it, but I do not get audio out of it. I would also like to state I am using it as a sound card, as well as completely using it via USB (in case this disables features like this, probably important)

    Thanks, I hope to hear from someone soon! Very excited to unleash this thing :)

    PS - my DAW is Ableton Live! 9

    EDIT: I have discovered that in order to do this, I need to use a seperate sound card. On another note, I have been noticing my virus acting strange with the inputs - seems to have some sort of random pops here and there. Please advise?

  • First, once you get the soundcard hitch sorted (consider looking into using your computer's internal soundcard with ASIO4ALL), you should read up on using the input module of a patch (FX1 page on VC).
    Regarding the clicks and pops it could be that you are not using the best possible USB port on your computer for the Virus. Try all the others until you find one that performs better.
    hope this helps.

  • First, once you get the soundcard hitch sorted (consider looking into using your computer's internal soundcard with ASIO4ALL), you should read up on using the input module of a patch (FX1 page on VC).
    Regarding the clicks and pops it could be that you are not using the best possible USB port on your computer for the Virus. Try all the others until you find one that performs better.
    hope this helps.

    Thought I would check back on here, I appreciate the response! I will add, in regards to the pops and clicks I have FINALLY determined the solution for this particular scenario:

    After switching to my usb sound card, I found that it was running at 44k sample rate. With the virus being natively at 192k (correct me if I'm wrong, please) I figured upping my devices rate might do something. AND IT DID! Fixed everything and I had crisp beautiful clarity coming through this thing. Now I'm a happy TI'er :)

    Here's a little of what it spat out (just a little audio test with some groove):

  • Actually the Virus streams 44k/48k to the DAW, and that is usually negotiated automatically between the DAW and VC. It's true that the audio path starts internally at a high sample rate (Access won't say how high) in order to capture as many frequencies generated by ring modulation as possible etc. but as soon as it comes to effects that need memory (such as delay and reverb) downsampling allows you to make better use of your hardware.
    You probably had a transient glitch - or you had something connected or an internal device heavily used, which you usually do not.
    BTW, nice sounds in the test file.