DAW sending on several channels midi notes in quick follow and truncate some

  • hi,

    I'm using fl studio with a TI2 over USB.
    Everything works fine and also latency is below 6ms.

    If I have set FL to send with several Midiout channels quick followed notes like 1/16 on 140 bpm then it starts to truncate some notes.
    I don't think that the Virus is getting to the edge of handling but this starts if about 4-5 sound patches are used at the same time.

    If I record each channel on its own and switch the other MIDI channels silent then nothing is truncated.

    Is there a trick?

  • assuming that voice stealing happens, you might want check if the release phase of the patches in question can be shortened. also, you can sort of balance load by equally using even and odd MIDI channels.
