control changes from sequencer to multi parts - Virus B

  • Hi guys! This is my first hardware synthesizer so any help on this would be highly appreciated.
    I've created a multi program with 3 multi parts, managed to make a song out of it and recorded the midi notes in a sonar 8 track.
    Then I started playing with the filter cutoff 1 and 2 and filters attack and recorded this to a different midi track.
    Now, if I try to playback all this in virus, the control changes being sent from sonar sequencer to virus will default to the Part 1, (or the Part with the lesser number, according to manual). I've put all the multiparts to the same midi channel and would like to know if there's any easy way to address recorded controller changes, let's say in different midi tracks, to specific Parts. Of course I would like to do this before converting everything to audio.
    Could you give me a hand on that? ?(

  • thanks for the reply Mark! that was what I thought at first, but the "Access Virus OS4 Manual", at its page 215 says that " [...] the convention in the Virus is that, when several of these PARTs are patched through a single MIDI channel, only the PART with the lowest PART number is addressed by incoming controllers; all other PARTs ignore this data." And that's what is actually happening! So it leaves me with 2 options: 1) split my notes midi tracks in 3 separate midi tracks, with the same information but addressed to diferent midi channels, and correspondingly change the midi channels of the PARTs; 2) maybe use SysEx somehow in the MIDI tracks containing the controller data to let Virus know exactly which PART I'm referring to. I'm most interested in the second option. Any ideas as to the appropriate SysEx line for comprising just this?!