New computer

  • I am going to be upgrading my entire studio soon and I will be getting a new computer and upgrading Cubase to version 8.
    My question is ,
    Do I need to uninstall my old virus ti software from my old computer in order to install my new virus ti on my new computer ? Are there any multi user license issues or anything like that or is it just simply a case of installing the ti on my new computer . I want a firm idea in my mind before I take the plunge .
    Any other snippets of info or warnings would be much appreciated .
    Thanks in advance.

  • No, you don't need to uninstall the software from the old one. Only need to copy across any downloaded sound banks, if you have any. (For use in Virus Control Browser.)

    Are you moving from 32-bit to 64-bit O.S and software? That will have more impact. Need to install the 64-bit TI software in the right folder, so that Cubase will see the plugin.


  • No, you don't need to uninstall the software from the old one. Only need to copy across any downloaded sound banks, if you have any. (For use in Virus Control Browser.)

    Are you moving from 32-bit to 64-bit O.S and software? That will have more impact. Need to install the 64-bit TI software in the right folder, so that Cubase will see the plugin.


    I am guessing that I will need some help and advice with this , (you are probably seeing a pattern emerging here )
    I presume that as I down load my software there will be some sort of prompt for this as I will be on a 64 bit system ?