Access to RAM

  • Hi,
    this week i bought a used VIRUS TI2 Keyboard and i'm very happy with it. I like to play it with the keys and i don't use a Software Sequencer. I have installed the Virus Access Control Software on Windows 7 and i use OS for Windows. Now i want to dump the original RAM Banks to my virus which i found here on this page. But with Virus Control Center i can not do this. Theres only "Back & Restore" "Burn to flash ROM" and "OS Updater". I don't have access to RAM A-D. Do you know a standalone tool or something like that to dump into RAM without using a VST Software ?
    Thank you very much !

  • You could probably send a whole bank as SysEx using a MIDI SysEx tool?

    The original RAM banks are installed with Virus Control somewhere on your system. However, using a VST host would be the easiest way to manage your RAM banks.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+

  • Thank you, after spending some time with google and testing different tools like ctrl, Vcommander etc. i think you are right with using a VST host.
    I do not even know anything about VST Hosts so here is a new question:
    My PC is a netbook without midi connectors and only a earphone output. Device manager tells me a "High Definition Audio Device" and a "Intel(R) Display-Audio". The only way to connect the Virus TI is the USB Port. OS is Windows 7 pro 64bit. I dont't think about Recording or something like that, i only want to manage my patches and maybe some other parameters of the virus. My budget was eaten by the virus so i had a look to ebay kleinanzeigen and found this one:
    Steinberg Cubase 7 Artist.
    Do you think this will work for my requirements ?
    Thank you !

  • Google for VST Host.
    There should be freeware applications that allow you to just run VSTs without the overhead of a full blown sequencer.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+

  • Great idea, thank you and Mr. Hermann Seib creating his VSTHost!!
    After messing around with the USB Ports of my netbook and the energy saving settings of the USB Ports (got some blue screens) now it works fine.
    It took some minutes to sync the virus banks with the Plugin but now im happy :)
    Thanks a lot !