Problematic Noise On ALL Ti 2 Keyboard Sounds

  • Using Virus Ti v2 Keyboard on Logic Pro X on a Mac and notice that if I leave Logic Open and put computer and virus to sleep... when I come back to work on my project, I awake the virus and computer, and often times, all virus sounds will be stained by this horrible noise noise. At this point, the only way to solve it is to restart everything, including the Ti Keyboard. Anyone get this issue or know what's the cause?

    Thank you.

  • Most probably the Virus CPUs crashed. I suggest to not put stuff to sleep while working. Instead power down fully.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+

  • Most probably the Virus CPUs crashed. I suggest to not put stuff to sleep while working. Instead power down fully.

    I understand your point, but putting device to sleep along with computer is normal operating and usage of these devices. They should perform as expected, and if it crashes, that is a bug Access should fix.

  • Im using El Capitan and it's more of a dirty interference type noise muddying each sound.

    Ok, if it's not just one loud ear splitting noise but you can still hear the original sound, then it's rather not your Virus' CPUs crashing. Is the sound ok on the headphone out? On the analogue outs? Maybe it's a issue with the USB audio streaming on wake. Frankly, I've never ever tried that.

    I understand your point, but putting device to sleep along with computer is normal operating and usage of these devices.

    I wouldn't expect a software developer to test hot unplugging as "normal operation". In general it's a bad idea to remove resources from a running system without a proper deactivation sequence. And upon power off or disconnect cable, the using application does not get any notification that the resource is going to shut down. IME, it's a rather bad idea to unplug any MIDI/USB device while Cubase is directly using it... Cubase simply crashes. Interesting enough, I can unplug the Virus TI and the VC plugin handles the situation pretty well.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+