E ROM & E RAM Meaning?

  • Hello everyone,

    Maybe this question has already been answered in this forum, or maybe not, if so it was I apologize although I promise you that I have been looking for weeks and I am not able to find answer to it.
    I just purchased a second-hand Ti2 Desktop, I'm very happy and although I have more questions the one that intrigues me the most is the following:

    In some RAM and ROM patches I get an E letter in front of me, such as "E Rom-a. 000 TI BC 001" I have restored all the patches to the factory defaults with the Virus Control Center since I thought they were editions that The previous owner had recorded but I still see the some patches randomly in both the RAMs with the ROMs. Someone could enlighten me with his wisdom since I can not find any reference to it either in manuals or in forums and I'm a little tired of looking without any luck, in the end we all ended up asking in here, of course.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Hello EvilGus,

    Thanks for the answer, and yes, thats what I thoght but the thing is that when I restore to factory defaults using Control Center in the advance menu all thoose patches should be restored and the letter "E" should not appear in any patches. The Problem I have is that after this process when I go thru the patches in any ROM or RAM I still find patches with the letter "E" before the name as I specify in my previous message.... The only thing I want is to have all patches untouch as from the factory to start fresh as they were new. Thanks a lot for trying to help me, do you think I can do it... I think i should, thats the all meaning of a software synth Isn´t?

  • Oops, sorry. Clearly, the restore does not do what you thought it does, I've seen a few people mention a similar problem. You could also use VCC to re-load the factory patches to the ROM banks and use VC to re-load the RAM banks, one at a time, after downloading them from the Virus website...


  • Just to confirm we're talking about the same thing:

    - Load a patch from ROM which does not show the E
    - Fiddle with some knobs, e.g. change the filter cutoff

    Does the patch now show the E in front of the name?

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+