How to connect my Nord to my Snow?

  • I need some expert help again
    I just got a Nord Rack 2.
    It's connected to my Snow which is also my soundinterface.
    Midiwise everything works fine in Cubase, but I don't know how to capture it's audio output.
    As what my Snow does is only allowing the audio signal to pass thru to my monitors, but nothing goes into Cubase.
    So how do I setup everything up in order to record my Nord?

  • just connect your Nord to input virus connection and check the signal path in cubase mixer (press F3) and also check the vst connection which has connected to your virus
    so if you have signal on the input channel now insert an audio track and then record it

  • Check the settings in the Config/Audio menus regarding line level etc. If you are using Virus Control, check wether you have set the IO Config to "2 Outputs/No Input", so the soundcard functionality gets not affected.
