Strange aftertouch problems with my Virus TI

  • Hi folks,

    I am new to the Virus and experience a problem that I'm not able to solve, yet.

    I'm using the Virus control plugin in my DAW with USB audio.

    When holding some particular keys on a keyboard or controller with aftertouch capabilities and varying the pressure, some strange effects occur in the Virus.

    Here a few examples:

    Note B1 changes Vel Osc 1

    Note D2 affects Vel -> FM

    Note C#3 affects Preset Panning

    Note A#3 affects Surround Balance

    and many more...

    Additionally, sometimes I have inverted Velocity (hitting the key harder results in a quieter or completely muted sound) that occurs mostly unexpected and can only be removed by changing the preset.

    I can reproduce the behavior in Cubase and Studio One and tried with different contollers and keyboards. Always the same. But when launching the Virus plugin inside Native Instruments MASCHINE software, I don't have any of these problems at all. Playing instead directly in the DAW with MASCHINE Controller in MIDI mode, all problems are back.

    How to get rid of this behavior? I found no button or checkbox in the Virus plugin to ignore aftertouch at all. Neither I found any way to switch it off for specific input notes or assign it to other ones.

    And how can I address the inverted velocity problem?

    Thanks a bunch for all hints and info

  • Tried it now with ROM-A 127 _INIT_ Patch

    In Matrix section only slot 1 is lit up

    At LFO section nothing is lit up

    In SINGLE Mode and in SEQ Mode (without plugin) when controlling the Virus via MIDI, there is no such behavior
    Seems to be a problem of the plugin.

  • After mor reading and testing, I found out that polypressure causes the behavior. Channel pressure does not disturb anything as far as I see.
    As a temporary solution I deacticated sending polypressure in all of my controllers, which seems to solve the problem.

    Could not find any option in the plugin to ignore or filter polypressure.
    If somebody know one, please let me know.

    Thanks a lot

  • And yes, say you connect a master keyboard with aftertouch, it will be continuously based on this aftertouch. Because some patches have programming via SLOTS to use aftertouch. If you don't want to hear the aftertouch anymore, you have to look in each SLOT if "chain pressure" is written, then if you find any, set it to zero (with VALUE 2").
    Your soultion is well thought out, to uncheck the aftertouch (when possible) of your master keyboard

  • If some of you needs a new 61-keys keyboard for replacement, with its silicone rubber contact boards, I have a complete keybed and spare parts for sale, along with some single keys and their springs. Just contact me: 17 [at] amolenuvolette [dot] it
    Hope this helps