PLEASE HELP - Issues: Cubase(one midi ch.???), MPC (changes sounds on its own) - Before I sell this $2000 paperweight

  • Hola, my name is Daniel and I've been trying to figure my TI2 Desktop out for the last 4 months and am now asking everyone for help before i sell it back.

    Here's some issues.

    1- When using my Virus in Cubase i can only hear one sound coming from it even though ive programmed the other 16 channels of midi to different sounds. Why is this? (Cubase)
    2- After being told buy a new program by Jorg (Access) I figured I'd give my MPC/Virus a shot, until the sounds started changing on there own.?.?.
    I'd set up my multi mode and program the sounds id like and store them.
    But when its time to program my music on the mpc the sounds notes and even transpose change without me even playing, im just trying to sequence tracks???

    im not sure if im explaining these problems properly but being told its my fault or the software im using and that theres nothing wrong with my virus just doesnt sound right.
    ive hooked up a handfull of gear to both mac and mpc to play with and its worked fine.

    Please help, lets start somewhere.?.

  • so i just slaved the virus into the mpc 1k i had 0 problems midi had no bad cross talk of cc data it works perfectly fine for me. i would set my each sequence to midi and then for each patch in my multi i would would set 1a 2a 3a 4a and so so on for each track inthe virus multi. i made about 5 patterns sequenced them on ther own midi tracks . i then played with my 5 sequences. i heard no problems.

    the one problem i had was i could not hear the virus play on every bank some pads felt blank or my bads are just going bad ill go recheck that . anyways if u can explain more maybe i can help

  • Thank you for the MPC help. What i did was set the voices to each midi channel first then sequenced on the mpc. Before i was 'building' a sequence and adding voices as i went along.?. Im thinking that could have been the problem. Either way it is working but my cubase problems are not fixed :[ To go into further detail with cubase.
    [Blockierte Grafik:
    This is my screenshot of the virus if iim using it as an INSTRUMENT
    no matter how many of these 16 slots i fill or which midi channel i click on , only the topch.1 plays when i hit my keyboard?

    [Blockierte Grafik:
    this is my screenshot when i create a new MIDI track. The sound doesnt come out of the computer it comes from the virus headphone jack and the OS4 for Virus doesnt pop up, my only option is to manually set the parameters on the hardware instead of using it as a VST which is why i bought it :]

    Thank you for all your help. I hope we can solve this problem.

  • good to hear u got the mpc figured out im an analog guy. i have never used cubase but i hear good things. i use logic protools . i think i know waht ur problem is that happed to me once. u just have a setting wrong i know that.

    have u watched the tutorial videos on cubase really good - watch it again and again ull get it if u watch this video ( i havent seen the cubase one but i got the logic one ez as pie)

    also looks like u only have 1 track in logic i make 16 multi timbrel tracks but only 1 verson of the plug in will excist.

    okie make sure on the virus its self that the MULTI and SINGLE button lights are both on hit them at the same time to turn on.