Virus TI clipping in Apogee Duet and Logic

  • Anyone using their Virus with an Apogee Duet? I'm trying to use the analog outs but they clip easily
    and in order for them not to clip I have to turn the keyboard or the Duet down very low but then I can barely hear it.
    Should Maestro be set to "instrument" input? Thanks!

  • i'm running a virus ti with the duet, but only use the apogee for audio IO, and the virus as a software instrument. i haven't had great luck because i always update my software too often, (cause i do IT work and always need something), but if you stay with the current recommended versions, it tends to work ok. especially if u can stand to work in 44.1.

  • RTB,

    I have the same set up as you but, as the guy above, I only use it for audio I/O.

    One suggestion would be to mail the Apogee support team, they really are very good and responsive too.

    Good luck!

  • Anyone using their Virus with an Apogee Duet? I'm trying to use the analog outs but they clip easily
    and in order for them not to clip I have to turn the keyboard or the Duet down very low but then I can barely hear it.
    Should Maestro be set to "instrument" input? Thanks!

    Sorry to say it guys but it's just a simple matter of RTFM and understanding your sound card's different input types ;)
    You want it set to line in. If You're ever experiencing that kind of volume siscrepency or distortion that's usually a good sign you have it plugged into the wrong place or have it set to the wrong input type.
    I have never even laid eyes on a duet btw.