• I'm getting the BSOD when I try to update the Virus to the latest OS,my computer just restarts. Any Ideas?
    Oh,just bought the d**n thing :(

  • I know there's a conflict between the different USB ports. It only crashes when trying to do the update or unplugging the Virus.
    It's not a big issue right now when it works fine with my sequencer. I'm gonna buy a new computer anyway. :)

  • I had the same issue--BSOD. The first time I tried to install the update in Vista x64, I got a BSOD. Then I tried again, this time the installer started in recovery mode, and it installed the VC plugins and updated the firmware on the Virus. At some point in the process it complained that it couldn't find the TI, so I unplugged it and plugged it back in. After a few tries (reboots on computer and Virus) it seemed to take. Maybe Kemper Digital (or whatever they call themselves now) needs to hire some better software programmers. The hardware rocks, though.

  • I do get occasional crashes when removing the virus from the USB (which will happen when the virus reboots, etc.) - for me it is occasional, so on an update I just try again and it will work fine because its not that common...

    Does everyone get occasional, or more frequent, BSODs from removing USB?