Noob question: Saving Patches

  • Hello forum– new to the Access Virus Snow, and I'm using it with Logic...
    this is a silly question I know, but how do I save patches? When I hit save on my VI screen, it gives my some options as to personal/public libraries
    (I'm not sure what that means either)
    Specifically, I want to change a patch and rename it to fit the song it's in.

    The "manual" is of no use whatsoever on this subject, so can some one hold my hand and give me a baby steps 1, 2, 3, and that's how you do it kind of reply?

    thanks for any help!

  • If by VI you mean VC then the personal libraries are the ones stored on your computer as .mid files, and the rest are banks on the TI. The sub-menu of the personal library option actually reflect the folder structure of your patch folder (somewhere in your user folder). As you navigate the menus, folders expand to more folders and .mid files, and .mid files expand to 128 placeholders (when saving), choose a placeholder, and your patch along with the name you already gave it will be copied there.
    A good way to deal with songs is to create a .mid file just for the song (maybe even save it as a multi later on). Create a new .mid file at the root of the patch folder (creating it anywhere else gets it recognized only after a reload of VC (Access people: Bug?). Load your base patch, tweak it, then rename it (on the left side of VC) then save it in one of your song files. Later, when between Logic sessions, you can create a "my songs" subfolder and move your song .mid files there.
    If you want to save it on the Virus itself so you can take it on the road or something, you can use VC to save it to a RAM bank, or create a .mid file with all your song patches and use the VCC utility to burn it to a ROM bank. Just bear in mind that the room in the Virus is limited so make sure you know what you are overwriting...
    Hope this helps.

  • i tend to have the top half of the browser the virus hardware, and on the bottom half of the browser i have the personal library

    just drag and drop the patch you're working on ( on the left, parts 1 thru 16 ) to the bank where you want it saved

    easy peasy