Punch control Knob on Hardware via Shift -> Filter Env Attack. And Sync LFO in Multi.

  • Shift Filter-Env Attack could be used for Punch. VC has a dedicated knob for Punch but the hardware requires a soft knob to be assigned, but this reduces the soft knobs to only two for other things!

    Shift -> FilterEnv Attack would be a good place to put Punch because it adds sound to the attack phase to the signal. It's a logical place.


    Also I would really like a Multi setting that allows you to sync the LFOs between all patches in the same Multi. Similar to synchronising the LFOs in UNISON mode. This would allow for much better layered Dubstep patches to be stored... with a common "wobble".

    Oh and please add filter cutoff as a destination for LFO 3... OR add a delay in LFO 1 and 2. The delay is really useful for more than just vibrato.

    Thanks! :thumbup:

  • Delay would be really nice for envelopes and LFO's. You should be able to simulate delay with a second LFO set to Pulse & Env Mode (LFO > slot#.amount#).

  • I'm not sure I understand the question, but "Punch" is located on page 2 of the Common Oscillator menus (via the Virus hardware).

    You're right I just found it! But you need to press Edit twice to get there, pressing Edit then Parameters will not get you to the right place. OK, so I no longer need to assign a soft knob. That's good. It would be nice to have in an easier place but I'm happy with that.

    @theredfox - Thanks for the tip I'll try the LFO Pulse Wave in Env Mode. But I just noticed that using the destination slot#.amount# means I can only assign the delay to a single destination. There is only one user "Assign" for LFO's 1 and 2, and the destination can only be one of the three destinations in a slot. So it doesn't effect the whole slot.

    So using LFO>slot#.amount# does not allow you to delay both filter cut-offs for example. Only one or the other. Although there might be a way around this with some creative thinking... still, a simple delay on the LFO would be much easier.

  • LFO1 set to pulse and env mode, set to 1/4 tempo sync.
    LFO2 set to since, mono and 1/8 sync.

    LFO1 > slot2.amount1
    Source for Slot2 set to LFO2
    Slot2.Amount1 set to filter1 with 0 modulation.

    Now you should maybe have a 1/4 delay on LFO2 automating filter1 cutoff.