Access Virus Ti2 - Soundcard with 3 analog outs?

  • Hi,

    I wondered about that I can only set 1 stereo analog out (out 1/2) in the audio option in Ableton Live. I want to use the Access Virus Ti2 as soundcard in Ableton together with Virus Control for Live performance. I would like to stream audio or VST synth thru the output 2 or 3 in order to use a Kaoss Pad III. I don't want to stream the virus thru these outputs (I know how this works) because of latency! So, as I understand, the Access Virus Ti 1/2 is a soundcard with only one main out. Is it possible to use this as soundcard with 3 outs? Did I miss something, a driver or so? Because I used a Ti snow before! But the Virus Control is recognizing it as Virus Ti!

    Hope to get some help!

  • Thank you Marc for the quick answer! That is a pity but is it possible to provide this routing feature in a future update? Or is this impossible with the hardware architecture? Maybe, only some changes with the driver will bring this feature??? This will be of high value for people, who don't want to use an additional soundcard with multiple out for live performances with external effect units! To have the virus as soundcard with routing option to 3 outs would be a great feature - So this is my feature request :thumbup: