OS - Where did the general settings of the patch (EDIT+COMMON) Virus TI Snow?

  • After update to OS, the missing general settings of patch.
    After i pressing EDIT+COMMON appears is the same screen then i pressing EDIT+ENV.
    Now it is impossible to adjust the volume of the patch and other general settings that were previously there.
    These settings now can be adjusted only via Virus Control plugin.
    I'm talking about the Virus TI Snow model.

  • Same problem here. Got a SNOW today and updated to last OS.

    When pressing EDIT and ENV, the COMMON page shows up, also indicated by the LED.

  • It seems like the ENV and COMMON pages are somehow mixed up. When you scroll through ENV-page parameters it jumps to COMMON and back again. And you can´t access the COMMON page at all, it just jumps to ENV-page.

    ...So for the Access-team -> We are waiting for a release of OS (or something) that fixes this problem. Thank you.

  • Zitat

    This is a known issue and we will fix this in an upcoming OS release.

    So far so good.

    Imagine you've spend 1k+ Euro for a Synth. And after a fresh install some important function isn't working. This is a little bit awkward and should be fixed with a small patch as soon as possible.

  • That implies, that I have to perform a downgrade, right?

    Can I uninstall the current TI software, install an ancient version and it performs the downgrade to the previous version of the TI OS?

  • Can I uninstall the current TI software, install an ancient version and it performs the downgrade to the previous version of the TI OS?

    yes, downgrading is possible. this way you can at least access the parameters in question until a fix will have been released. the best way to perform a downgrade is to deinstall everything first. support can help you with that.