Virus TI + Logic Pro X - synchronization / latency compensation problem

  • Hello,

    I'm using my Virus TI with Logic, using the physical outputs.
    I sometimes have syntonization problem, with my Virus TI being ahead of everything else.
    It looks like the Virus TI plug-in is not reporting the right amount of latency to compensate to Logic.

    Sometimes it works, but sometimes the virus is ahead.
    I've set the "main out" to "out 1 L+R" but it doesn't help.

    Any advices?

  • For technical reasons the analog outs cannot be delay compensated when using the Virus TI PlugIn. This is only the case when using the USB audio streams from the TI into Logic.
    In other words it is normal for the TI to be "ahead" of Logic when the analog outs are used. The only option here is to manually delay the Midi tracks triggering TI sounds.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner

  • Actually, the problem seems to be more complicated.

    When I select a Virus track in Logic then press play, everything is in sync.
    But when I select another track, the Virus is ahead.

    This means that delaying the track won't help much.

    What can I do to fix this problem?
    Maybe by creating an aggregated virtual sound device with my Motu+virus, then using that in Logic?
