Ti2 Polar inputs

  • What settings did you use in the INPUT menu entries in the CONFIG menu of your Virus and have you tried to check if you get the microphones' audio out the Tis outputs when using the "INPUT THRU" option, which is also within the INPUT menu entries in the Virus' CONFIG menu? This is always a good test to see if anything connected to the Tis input actually produces sound.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner

  • Thanks for the reply I hooked up my laptop and I'm playing audio thru the virus, using the atomizer with no luck there ether. I can here the audio fine nice and clear, but no atomizer fx (atomizer is turned on) or no fx at all no rev, dly, filter.ect... I can't seem to find a step by step setup anywhere. Thx K5 ?( OK to make it easy I simply hooked up a cd player to the virus inputs and the virus outputs to a mixer. I here the cd track fine. I turn on the atomizer loaded a patch from VC and…… wait for it……………………………….. nothing. I do here some noise when i press the keys but thats it. the cd track play normal. ? HEPL??????????? Im running VC with AU Lab if that helps anyone, and I want to get my audio from DJ serato.