TI control crashing on cubase 7.5.10 64bit any helps ?

  • Hi I m freaking out wiz this TI control I never had a really good stable version of this software working well on my PC W7 64 bit . before I had to reinstall like 10 times before it can be recognised now with the 5.08 version it s recognised but after loading the patch it crashes , And sometimes It works and then crash again what to do ?

  • I have exactly the same problem as you....Cubase 7.5.1 crashes as soon as I load the Virus

    Any help from Access or Cubase would be appreciated..

    I believe the issue to be with Cubase...the latest update

  • I#'m using it without problems (7.5.2) x64

    I always have my virus loaded as the first synth in the rack - I use a template to ensure that it's always in my projects in this slot - seems to avoid the problems that can occur if you insert it half way through a project.

    it is possible to insert after you start a project, by putting the virus into sleep mode and then inserting the vsti, saving the project and then reloading it- I find I have fewer problems if I do this into the top slot so tend to move the top vsti that is originally in the project to lower in the rack.

    hope this helps
