[Solved] Big problem using Virus TI2 as VST in Cubase 5

  • Hello there,

    once I had bought the Virus Ti2 Desktop version a few months ago, I tried to use it as VST but I had so much problems that I gave up and now I'm just using it with MIDI tracks. (-> Add new track MIDI in: FA-101 MIDI IN (connected to Virus), MIDI out: FA-1011 MIDI OUT)

    I am using a EDIROL FA-101 sound card.

    But now I tried to get it working again over USB with the VST plugin.

    The problem is: I'm picking part 1 on my screen and choose a preset. I hit the keys and I hear the sound from the preset 1 coming out of my speakers... Everything works fine.

    Then I click on part 2 on my screen, and switch to part two on my Virus aswell, what happens? I still hear the sound from part 1 coming out and nothing from part 2...

    Any help welcome.

  • I had to switch the Local on in the CONFIG thing.

    Now I finally hear some sound from the part 2.

    but it sounds together with part 1. When I mute part 1 the sound bar keeps lightening up on part 1, and it's sound 2 I'm hearing...

  • Please read the manual of your sequencer. To target the different parts, you need to setup and select different tracks in Cubase.
    Please follow the Cubase tutorial PDF and song and contact our support department for further assistance.


  • Ran into this myself...

    when you add a second part to VC, make sure you add another MIDI track and point it at the correct (MIDI channel 2 --> part 2) channel in VC. (You need to add the VC plugin via the VST Instruments window, and not an Instrument track.) Then, before tweaking the second part on VC, be sure you've selected (or enabled MIDI listening) on the part's MIDI channel.

    Confusing, I know :-/ This only really applies if you are using "Virus TI Synth" as one of your MIDI inputs, like I am.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://i48.tinypic.com/21dpnx1.png]

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von luciphercolors ()

  • You just helped me a great great deal. Many thanks.

    I can finally use it how it's supposed to work now. I didn't mind working with only MIDI tracks but it was a bit annoying when you wanted to start recording the different movements you did with the knobs and such.

    Now it'll all be much easier with the automation.

    Thank you very very much!